Troubleshooting and FAQ
Common Problems and Solutions
What to do when the Application Server is down?
Navigate to the created CloudFormation Stack. Get the name of the EC2 instance and RDS instance and reboot it from the AWS console. If the problem persists after a restart, please contact CloudCADI Support.
How can I examine and monitor the application's health and functionality?
- To check if the application is running. Log in to the Product URL and ensure that the cost data is displayed on the dashboard's cost summary page. - To ensure that the data extraction layer is performing properly. Log in to the Product URL and make sure that the Performance data is displayed in the dashboard's Performance chart. - The Product Advisory Recommendation page should additionally show the data about the resources that could be optimized.
Where can I get the product configuration and data files? Should I backup these files at regular intervals?
The created CloudFormation Stack's Outputs section offers application and database configuration details. The RDS Database will contain service performance data.