Onboarding Requirements
A. Cloud Billing: Create Cost and Usage Report (Refer to the Environment Setup section).
B. Cloud Monitoring: Default metrics are enabled automatically through CloudWatch and CloudTrail. For enabling custom metrics refer to the Enabling Observability for AWS Services section.
C. Data Extraction: Automatically triggered using Lambda functions.
D. Data Storage and Transformation: The backend server that runs on EC2 transforms and stores data in RDS (PostgreSQL).
E. Environment Configuration: AWS account ID and IAM role (Read-only policy) would be required for the deployment of the product.
Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge
Deploying our product requires a minimal understanding of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and list of services mentioned below (Refer to the List of AWS Services section).
Deployment Timeline
In less than 2-3 hours CloudCADI can be deployed within your cloud environment.
List of AWS Services
The following is a list of all mandatory services that will be created during the deployment process.
- EC2
- Elastic IP
- Key Pairs
- RDS (PostgreSQL)
- CloudFormation
- Lambda functions
- CloudWatch
- CloudTrail
- S3 bucket
- IAM Role
- The product is supported in the us-east-1 region at the moment. To run, it needs a single availability zone.
Network Configuration
The following is a list of network configurations that will be created during the deployment process.
- Subnets
- Security Groups (EC2 and RDS)
- Route tables
- Create bucket in one region for storing cost and usage report and deploy application in same region.